Recent Works Shortcode
Avada includes 3 different styles of recent work shortcodes that allow you to display your portfolio posts on any page you wish. Use a carousel, grid, or grid with excerpts. All styles can specify a certain category and number of posts. Both the grid and grid with excerpts can also use 1-6 columns and show filters.
Recent Work Carousel
The Carousel is one of the layouts included with the Recent Works shortcode. This layout is a simple way to showcase your portfolio. Determine which categories will be included or excluded. Set various settings such as fixed or auto for the picture size, how many posts to display, and the animation type, direction and speed. You can also use this shortcode with our columns shortcode.
Recent Work Grid
The Grid is one of the layouts included with the Recent Works shortcode. This layout is an elegant and eye-catching way to showcase your portfolio. Show filters and determine which categories will be included or excluded. Set various settings such as fixed or auto for the picture size, how many posts to display, how many columns to display, and column spacing. Also set the animation type, direction and speed for the images. You can also use this shortcode with our columns shortcode.
Recent Work Grid With Excerpts
The Grid is one of the layouts included with the Recent Works shortcode. This layout is an informative and clever way to showcase your portfolio. Show filters and determine which categories will be included or excluded. Set various settings such as fixed or auto for the picture size, excerpt length, how many posts to display, how many columns to display, and column spacing. Also set the animation type, direction and speed for the images. You can also use this shortcode with our columns shortcode.
Ipsums Facilis
Cras sollicitudin leo et nunc molestie lacinia. Duis vitae mi porta dui lacinia consectetur ac nec enim. Donec vel urna eu ligula maximus molestie eu sed quam. Vivamus dictum maximus leo, ut semper nibh sodales [...]
Shiny Collection
Project Brief Nullam suscipit massa nec efficitur faucibus. Nam dapibus eleifend magna et vehicula. Fusce maximus consectetur porta. Quisque non lorem porta, viverra elit non, dapibus nisl. Pellentesque a dictum erat. Suspendisse [...]
Brand new clothing style THE CONCEPT Morbi ultrices nec nunc sit amet varius. Nulla eleifend ex ut faucibus blandit. Sed ultricies quam nec convallis aliquam. Mauris suscipit ex lectus, vitae rhoncus lacus [...]
Ipsums Facilis
Cras sollicitudin leo et nunc molestie lacinia. Duis vitae mi porta dui lacinia consectetur ac nec enim. Donec vel urna eu ligula maximus molestie eu sed quam. Vivamus dictum maximus leo, ut semper nibh sodales [...]
Shiny Collection
Project Brief Nullam suscipit massa nec efficitur faucibus. Nam dapibus eleifend magna et vehicula. Fusce maximus consectetur porta. Quisque non lorem porta, viverra elit non, dapibus nisl. Pellentesque a dictum erat. Suspendisse [...]
Brand new clothing style THE CONCEPT Morbi ultrices nec nunc sit amet varius. Nulla eleifend ex ut faucibus blandit. Sed ultricies quam nec convallis aliquam. Mauris suscipit ex lectus, vitae rhoncus lacus [...]
Aliquam erat volutpat
Cras sollicitudin leo et nunc molestie lacinia. Duis vitae mi porta dui lacinia consectetur ac nec enim. Donec vel urna eu ligula maximus molestie eu sed quam. Vivamus dictum maximus leo, ut semper nibh sodales [...]
Complete Set of Options
Every option and description included with the recent works shortcode is listed below.